Wednesday, September 30, 2009

dork disco

the fox

I love the creature called the fox. I have desperately wanted one ever since I saw the movie Grizzly Man. A documentary about Timothy Treadwell, a man who lived and became friends with bears and foxes in the Alaskan wilderness. There is a family of Foxes that live on my parent mountain however I was unable to befriend them due to fear of rabies. One day I will have a domesticated fox. Anyway all this said because I love the new Brand New Album cover.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Use Somebody


I got the chance to go see Donnald Miller speak last night in Hollywood at Ecclesia. It was good. I needed to be reminded of humanity. Miller helps me remember why. I love to listen to stories. He tells them so well. His stories remind me of how broken humanity is while at the same time how simply beautiful it is. It is encouraging to watch someone move from great doubt to a great trust in the soverienty of God even in the midst of conflict. All stories have conflict. It just depends what we decide to do with it.

He ended with a reading out of Victor Frankl's book Man's Search For Meaning
Reminded me of a quote I love
“Ever more people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for.”